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Sponsored Eblasts

Eblast Sponsor Tiers no price. Silver, Gold, and platinum


Sponsored Eblast distribution is an effective way to reach members of our community, offering a direct and personalized communication channel. It allows our members to share updates, events, and important information quickly and efficiently.


Sponsoring a dedicated Eblast allows members to tap in to the West Hartford Chamber's email distribution list of nearly 4,000 local, engaged community members. It's a low-cost, targeted method of spreading the word about your event, promotion, or news.  Simply provide graphics, links, and verbiage, and the Chamber team will create an aesthetic, engaging communication on your behalf.


Companion social media posts and/or banner ads are available, to extend the reach and visibility of your messaging.
The West Hartford Chamber limits sponsored Eblasts at one per week, to avoid oversaturating our audience. Along with our opt-in only access, this supports our above average read- and click through- rates.  To check availability and schedule your Eblast, please email
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