Sponsorships are available. To learn more about aligning your brand with this event, and marketing to this audience, please contact kate@whchamber.com.
Annual State of the Town
Each year, the Mayor of West Hartford offers an in-depth look at the Town. The update includes information on various Town departments, including Education, Police & Fire, Economic Development, and more. The presentation offers a preview of plans for the coming year, and allows for Q&A.
This engaging and informative luncheon is a veritable “who’s who” of West Hartford politicos, town employees, business leaders, and residents.
The 2025 Mayor's State of the Town Address returns to the Mandell JCC, bringing together West Hartford residents, business professionals, community members, and Town Employees for an informative and entertaining event.
West Hartford Mayor Shari Cantor will offer her presentation theater-style, in the Innovation Center at the Mandell JCC. Immediately following the presentation, guests may join us for a reception in the Chase Gallery. This portion of the event is limited in number of attendees; tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Click HERE to register